Course Description: This course provides a set of fundamental concepts for understanding the thriving e-commerce sector and the business strategies and methods (ebusiness) to adapt to the e-commerce landscape, eventually through a omni-channel strategy. The course covers both areas of e-commerce, Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B). Especially as far as the B2C segment is regarded, the course focuses on the modern supply chains using the blockchain as reference infrastructure.
Course topics:
• Digital economy and the empowered consumer
• eCommerce data and business models
• B2C e-commerce cases and strategies
• B2C e-commerce technology applications
• B2B supply chains: the blockchain for tracing, chain transparency and “spanning layer”-type of interoperability
Course Structure:
• Introduction - Scope of the course and method of study
• eCommerce and the empowered consumer
• e-commerce: a data view (growth patterns during the last 10 years and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic) – Types of e-commerce: B2B and B2C
• e-commerce types of strategies and business models (cases and examples)
• e-commerce technology infrastructure
• Towards a new wave of digitization: the Web of payments and digital currencies
• B2B: Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
Language of evaluation: Greek for local students, English for ERASMUS students.
Evaluation Scheme:
Class Participation (20%) | Assignments (20%) | Final Essay/Project (no Exams) (60%)
(*) Verification of personal work in the Project during Final Exams (orally)
Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο 2018, 14η Έκδοση, Kenneth Laudon & Traver Carol Guercio
Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο 11η έκδ., Gary P. Schneider
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