Module Title : Management of Information Systems
- Type of Module:
PC (Prescribed Core Module) |
X |
PS (Prescribed Stream Module) |
ES (Elective Stream Module) |
E (Elective Module) |
- Level of Module
MSc course
- Year of Study
- Semester
- Number of credits allocated
- Name of lecturer / lecturers :
Dr. Vasileios Zeimpekis
- Description :
Management of Information Systems (MIS) module aims at providing the MSc students, the necessary managerial and organizational knowledge that is required for the formulation of an effective strategy for the management of information systems in contemporary organizations and enterprises. The module focuses on the definition and analysis of methods and techniques that can be used for the design, implementation, use, and evaluation of Information Technology. This module is interdisciplinary as it combines issues and techniques from the management science, the operations research, the economics and the information system analysis and design sector.
- Prerequisites:
- Module Contents (Syllabus):
Lecture |
Lecture Title |
1 |
The role of information systems in the enterprises and the organizations |
2 |
Information Systems in the enterprise |
3 |
Telecommunication systems and networks |
4 |
Web tools and emerging technologies |
5 |
E-commerce and applications |
6 |
Corporate IS applications I |
7 |
Corporate IS applications II |
8 |
Strategic design of information systems |
9 |
Design methods of information systems |
10 |
BPR and implementation of information systems |
- Recommended Reading :
Α) Principal Reference :
- "Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise", K. Laudon and J. Laudon, Prentice Hall, 6th edition, 2000
Β ) Additional References:
- "Managing Information Systems: Using Cases within an Industry Context to Solve Business Problems with Information Technology", D. Anderson, Prentice Hall, 2000.
- "Management Information Systems for the Information Age", St. Haag, M. Cummings and J. Dawkins, Mc Graw Hill, 2nd edition, 2000.
- Teaching Methods :
The teaching methods and tool are as follows:
Books and edited volumes
Case studies
Scientific papers
PowerPoint presentations
Reports and studies
- Assessment Methods :
Mid-Term exam 20%
Final exam 50%
Team project 10%
Student project 20%
- Language of Instruction:
- Module Objective (preferably expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences):
By completing this module, each student will be able to:
- Fully understand the fundamental principles for the management of information systems
- Identify and evaluate the technologies, systems and networks that are used by the information systems
- Select and make use of the most suitable information systems based on current needs and requirements
- Design and evaluate complex information systems and understand the moral and socio-economic issues that arise by introducing information systems
- Implement business process re-engineering methods for the introduction of innovative systems in organizations and enterprises.